Fototeca dello Zorring
Ultime avventure pubblicate
Tutti gli anfratti di Zacinto
Dopo 10 anni torniamo a pagaiare a Zacinto, e stavolta ne esploriamo ogni anfratto!September 2018 -
Ferrata di Val Serra
In tanti l'hanno sentita nominare, ma pochi sanno se esiste davvero o è solo un'antica leggenda... Dove si trova, in Valnerina o sull'Isola Ogigia?April 2018 -
Nel Paradiso del Vallone dell'Inferno
Ecco un altro album che, quasi pronto, attendeva da tempo di essere pubblicato!June 2018 -
Lungo il Cremera, vicino Formello
Ma il Cremera si chiama Crèmera o Cremèra?April 2018 -
Fosso della Mola, daje!
Che Fosso della Mola è un fosso in cui la mola non c'è? ...Mi ero sempre chiesto questa cosa venendo qui.March 2018 -
Le cascate di Nepi e la Grotta dell'Arnaro
Ecco un album rimasto in lavorazione per anni: appena tornato a Roma dalla Nuova Zelanda, seguendo le tracce di Luigi Plos e dei suoi Luoghi segreti a due passi da Roma...March 2017
All our adventures
Cobb valley... Finalmente!!
This Story is told in Italian only :-(February 2017
Laga Mountains, out of trail
Back on the Laga Mountains after quite a few years: I'm so happy!August 2016 -
Vulci, the Devil's Bridge and the Canyon
A 900 years old castle, a Roman bridge and a swim in an incredible canyon.August 2016 -
Luoghi segreti fra Fiora ed Olpeta
This Story is told in Italian only :-(July 2016 -
Monte Guardia and the magic forest
This Story is told in Italian only :-(June 2016 -
Monte Gennaro from Castiglione Castle
This Story is told in Italian only :-(June 2016 -
Fine settimana sul Nydia Trek
This Story is told in Italian only :-(February 2016 -
2 Canyons in Tasman Region
This Story is told in Italian only :-(January 2016
Sardegna in speleo-kayak
This Story is told in Italian only :-(July 2015
My 2014 - 1 year, 2 half-Summers
This Story is told in Italian only :-(December 2014 -
Mount Arthur, snow-version
September: we are working restless at the cheese factory and this will be our last hike till the end of the year!September 2014 -
Sardegna in Kayak, in a wintry summer
This Story is told in Italian only :-(July 2014 -
Blue Creek in a cold winter day
This Story is told in Italian only :-(June 2014 -
Guardian Angels - The movie
Short film written by Doug Brook and directed by Aaron Falvey. Here I'm the bad guy.May 2014
Sardegna in Kayak - 2013, Episode II
The 2013 kayak trip in Sardina starts where we ended two years ago, in Santa Teresa di Gallura...June 2013 -
A Gallery of Nodes with Drupal
Some video-tutorial (in English) to learn how I've made this photo-gallery using Drupal. A Gallery in which Albums are nodes and photos are nodes too.June 2013 -
A Mushroom week-end
(Written by Conillo) Sylvia and Matteo didn't know what to do, so I took them to harvest mushrooms. Unfortunately they are very bad in choosing the right ones.May 2013 -
Twin Peaks in New Zealand
From Flora Car-park to the Ellis Basin hut, then to The Twins, Mount Arthur, Gordon's Pyramid, Salisbury hut... and backMay 2013 -
Bulmer Lake, walking on a petrified glacier
Franco had just the time to realize he was in New Zealand, then he was walking on this 3 and a half days trekking.February 2013 -
Mount Owen from different points of view
Pictures are the same, but the stories are two: it is a matter of different points of viewsFebruary 2013 -
After so many adventure in the Wilderness, I spent a few days in the New Zealand capital.January 2013 -
Rambo eat my shorts!
Colillo tells of a very, very, but really very, extreme trekking in Nelson Lakes National ParkJanuary 2013
Warrior and Maiden
Sylvia needed a great warrior to help in her quest in the forest... Actually a great warrior was there!December 2012 -
Glitch on the ridge
Sometime on a trekking something unforeseen happens... Sometime it happens before.December 2012
Hi, my name is Matteo.
This photo-blog is here to share all the adventures I do with my friends, the Zorri: on mountains, forest and around the world.
The Zorri is just a group of friends, real friends: we are neither a commercial company nor a club (more about us).